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Lika Electronic

FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

The name Lika Electronic stands for sensors and position measuring systems. Since its inception, in 1982, the company develops and manufactures incremental and absolute, optical and magnetic, rotary and linear encoders, incremental and absolute encoders, linear and rotary incremental and absolute magnetic measuring systems, rotary drives, displays, signal converters and encoder interfaces.

Lika Electronic started out as a family business. Thanks to its technical competence, various innovations in the field of automation, along with high quality standards and craftsmanship in providing solutions that target specific customer needs, over the years Lika Electronic has become an innovative and global company and, in addition, one of the leading manufacturers of optical sensors. and magnetic measurement systems in Europe and around the world.

Many of the key features of Lika Electronic include extensive technical engineering skills, in-depth knowledge and experience in the design of analog and digital electronic devices, as well as a proven daily practice of collaborating with universities, research institutes and customers to develop and manufacture modern electronic equipment, high-tech materials and devices tailored to specific customer and market needs. In addition, the software development as well as the design of the mechanical and optical components is completely carried out in-house.

Every day, Lika Electronic strives to be one step ahead of innovation, looking to the future with an enthusiasm that leads it to new opportunities, while continuing to be an international family company. Lika Electronic is certified in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system and is determined to adopt an environmental management system that meets ISO 14001: 2004. It should be noted that all products of this brand are designed and manufactured in full compliance with the requirements of the CE, RoHS and REACH, most of which are UL and CSA. ATEX certified solutions are also available that are suitable for integration into potentially explosive atmospheres and hazardous areas.

Lika Electronic operates worldwide with a wide and efficient global distributor network that offers unrivaled technical support and superior customer service. Currently, the share of exports to more than 50 countries is about 60%.


Lika Electronic presents to your attention the following product names:

Miniature incremental encoder I28, Ø 28 mm. - Robust metal housing. Resolution up to 2048 imp / rev. For office, electromedical and light industry equipment. Size Ø - 28 mm. Shaft Ø max - 5 mm. Resolution - up to 2048 PPR. Output Circuit - NPN, Push-Pull, Line Driver, Universal Circuit

Compact magnetic encoder MI36K. - Stainless steel body. IP67 protection with sealed circuit (option).

Compact industrial encoders I40-I41. - Universal output circuit. Up to 5000 imp / rev. Size Ø - 40 mm. Shaft Ø max - 8 mm. Resolution - up to 5000 PPR. Output circuit - NPN, PNP, Push-Pull, LineDriver, UniversalCircuit.

Standard encoder for linear and rotary axis SME51 - The gap is up to 2 mm. Lika Hi-flex sensor cable. Status LED. Additional reference mark LKM1309 / 5, which will be installed along the magnetic tape. Resolution - 5 microns. Length measurement - 100 m max. Output chain - Push-Pull, LineDriver.

High resolution sensor for linear and angular measurements SME21 - High speed and degree of protection. Resolution up to 1 micron. Length measurement - 100 m max. Output circuit - Push-Pull, Line Driver.

Integrated positioning device RD1A. - High performance brushless motor. RS232 service interface for easy installation. Additional touch buttons +/- for easy calibration. The torque is 1.2, 2.5 or 5 Nm. Shaft speed - 60, 120 or 240 rpm. Interface - Profibus-DP, CANopen, Modbus RTU, RS232.

Compact rotary actuator RD53. - Fast switching and positioning on the side axis. One-piece gearmotor - drive - position controller and encoder. Positional feedback control. Absolute multi-turn encoder. Operating system loader using CANopen. The torque is 5 Nm. Shaft rotation speed - 60 rpm. Interface - Profibus-DP, CANopen, ModbusRTU

Quasi-absolute LCD LD112. - The most accurate display is 0.01 mm or 1/64 inch. Actual memory value. Linear and angular display mode. Mounting on the case panel.

Pulley with integrated I70 encoder. - Size Ø - 54 mm. Resolution - up to 500 PPR. The output circuit is Push-Pull.

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